Worldly Wednesday: “Bassama Bissarma,” Abdel Gadir Salim


Salim is one of the most famous singers and band-leaders to come out of Sudan.  Born in the Nuba Mountains, Salim has been playing traditional Sudanese music since the 1970s.

Sudan is an incredible country.  Home to at least six different civilizations and kingdoms over the past few thousand years, Sudan also created a system of pharaonic kingship like Egypt – the great temple of Ramses II is found on the border between Egypt and Sudan.  The Meroe Pyramids, nestled together like a modern cul-de-sac, are on my list of things to see.

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The ceaseless rhythm of this song’s 6/8 time signature reminds me of the gait of a lumbering camel up and over and down sand dunes.

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